Film Excerpts

Wenders, Vin. Tokyo ‘Ga.’ 1985.

Oshii, Mamoru. Tokyo Scanner. 2003. (Part 1)
Oshii, Mamoru. Tokyo Scanner. 2003. (Part 2)

Iwai, Shunji. Swallowtail Butterfly (Yentown). 1996.

Oshii, Mamoru. Ghost in the Shell. 1995

Otomo, Katsuhiro. Akira. 1988.

Ozu, Yasujiro. Tokyo Story.1953.

Coppola, Sophia. Lost in Translation. 2003.

Anno, Hideaki. Neon Genesis Evangelion. 1995.
Neo Tokyo

Tarkovsky, Andrei. Solaris. 1972.
Shuto expressway

Kurosawa, Akira. Rashomon. 1950.
camera work, contrast

Resnais, Alain. L’Année dernière à Marienbad. 1961.
traveling camera

Reed, Carol. The Third Man. 1949.

Wells, Orson. Touch of Evil. 1958.

Pixar. Tokyo Mater. 2009.

Studio 4C. Honey Tokyo.

Takahashi, Nobuo. Musashino Plateau. 2007?.
computer generated landscape

Takeuchi, Yasuto (Dokugyunyu). Taking pictures in a park all day long.

Ichikawa, Kon. Tokyo Olympiad. 1965.
Japan’s high-growth period

Olympus. The PEN Story. 2009.

Riefenstahl, Leni. Olympia. 1938.
neo classic figure, camera work

One response

  1. Mauricio

    I have no professional education to back this up, just an overall impression from watching most of these videos. It’s that the need for rapid expansion has lead to a build out of Tokyo that makes it feel like a Hipster that’s trying too hard. Somewhere amongst the leftovers of the WWII era are the spirit of culture that is in an identity crisis with itself.

    Watching the flyover cuts and certain animated sections fuels that meme for me. IMHO

    Great job keeping up the posting!

    October 1, 2010 at 11:01 pm

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